Hippocrates christened it Thalassotherapy. We call it Vitamin Sea, and we need no persuading that it's a great thing. But it seems that as well as being on the coast, just thinking about it can also improve your well being.

In case you have any doubts, here are just four reasons why a little Daily Coastal Calm is a great thing to have in your life.

1. Sea Air

The Victorians used to send sickly people to 'take the sea air'. While medically, we've moved on, they were partly right in their thinking, as the air around water is supercharged with healthy negative ions. Negative ions accelerate your ability to absorb oxygen and naturally increase your serotonin levels, stabilising your mood and feelings of well-being and happiness. That is why a deep breath while walking along the beach can feel so good, make you instantly feel better, and lead to a better night's sleep. 

They also clear the air of airborne allergens such as pollen, mould spores, bacteria, and viruses.

2. The Coast Makes You Active

Numerous studies have found that coastal proximity increases your chances of being fitter and healthier. Even the most sedentary of people can be persuaded to walk across the beach or tackle the coast path. If you decide on a dip, seawater is rich in minerals, many of which have curative and anti-inflammatory effects on the skin. A study by the University of Cambridge suggests that swimming in cold water could help protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases like dementia.

The study found that people who regularly swim in cold water have higher levels of a so-called 'cold-shock' protein in their blood. The protein, which helps form synapses, has been shown to slow the onset of dementia and even repair some of the damage it causes in mice.

3. Coastal Colours Are Calming

Richard Shuster, PsyD, a clinical psychologist and host of The Daily Helping podcast, says: "The colour blue has been found by an overwhelming amount of people to be associated with feelings of calm and peace. Staring at the ocean actually changes our brain waves' frequency and puts us into a mild meditative state."

Blue spaces can reduce stress and promote a state of rest and relaxation. The sound of water, whether it's the gentle trickle of a stream or the crashing of waves, can lower cortisol levels and alleviate tension.

Blue has also been linked with feelings of calm and serenity. Incredibly, after installing blue lights at train stations, Japan recorded an 84% decrease in the number of suicides.

4. Just Thinking About The Coast Is Good

The placebo effect also plays a large part in making us feel good about the coast. A lot of our coastal feel-good vibes are related to what we associate the beach with. So, just thinking about how great you feel in your Happy Place can relax you and immediately make you feel less stressed.


So, if you can get out to the coast, this is your permission to do it as often as you can. If you can't get there, surround yourself with the colours of the coast and spend time looking at the things that remind you of happy coastal times and feel the benefits.

Sue Hawken