It was our friends at The Eden Project who first introduced us to bamboo fibre. We were amazed and knew we had to design with it. Since then we have formed a partnership with people who grow and make bamboo fibre products in China and we have used this amazing natural fibre again and again.

Three reasons for loving bamboo fibre:

  • Sustainability: when you plant a bamboo in your garden, you quickly realise how fast it grows. In the perfect growing conditions of central China, bamboo grows super fast with little need for pesticides or fertilisers.
  • Compostability: because it is a natural product, bamboo will eventually compost back to nothing. You can speed the process up by boiling it and the burying it in your compost heap. To us this means that it is unlikely to end up as waste, floating in our oceans and that is a good thing.
  • Flexibility: bamboo fibre makes lightweight products that can be coloured and made in small quantities. This has enabled us to make Beach Dog Bowls and trays alongside re-usable cups. Unlike traditional 'eco' products these are happy, useful things that reflect a love of life. You don't need to buy them just for their eco credentials, it just makes them even better to own.

Our fabulous re-usable cups come brimming with seaside happiness.

With a smooth, matte feel, of our lightweight trays radiate coastal calm.

Beach Dog bowls guaranteed to bring happy smiles to owner and hound!



19 November , 2018 — Addition Collaborator

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